Shipping & Policy

FAQ, refund policy and shipping information

  1. Refund Policy - Live Goods?

    All live goods are sent via overnight courier and every care is taken to have fish and coral arrive in good health.

    All live goods are shipped at the purchasers risk and are non-refundable once sent.

  2. What are my shipping options for heavy or large items?

    I'm happy to send large or heavy items via courier - please contact me via email for a quote or estimate based on your order.

    You can then complete your order online via credit card and pay the additional shipping via bank transfer.

  3. How do I know if my order is under 3kg?

    Most small dry good items are well under 3kg. If you're purchasing more than one item of are unsure simply email me. I'm more than happy to assist.

  4. Why don't you ship live coral or fish to a rural address?

    The health and wellbeing of live stock is the utmost importance to me. This is to avoid undue delays in delivery.

  5. How do I know if I'm a rural delivery?

    Use Address and Postcode finder. If more than one result shows and one of them includes RD number you are seen as a rural delivery.

  6. Why does it cost more to send live fish & coral

    Live items are sent with the highest urgency for their welfare and to ensure good health on arrival. Dry goods are sent via standard parcel service to reduce overall cost.

  7. Where is pick up?

    I'm located in Rangira near Christchurch. Pick up is available for free. I don't have a physical store with opening hours so pick up will need to be pre-arranged. Just like trademe purchases.

  8. Do you have a shop?

    No, I'm online only but I'm happy to accommodate pick ups and viewings by appointment.

  9. Are my credit card payments secure?

    Yes, all credit card payments are made in NZD and are processed via Stripe, Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor. More information is available on the security section of the stripe website.

  10. Do you accept cash?

    Yes, please contact me for any offline orders. Bank transfers are acceptable.

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